A Workshop within the Project


With the GingerEnsemble (CH) and Guests

When: March 23 – 29, 2013, daily 11 am – 6 pm
Where: Gavrila Principa 2, Savamala


How does radio actually work?

Let’s make radio – from scratch: Radimo Radio!

We’re launching “Radio Savamala”:

By building a radio station and a broadcasting antenna ourselves: with nimble fingers, we’ll solder the receivers and learn something about recording techniques, editing, content, and production. We’ll get involved in Savamala – we’ll broadcast, and we’ll do it with art!

As a guest we invited sound designer and musician Martin Bezzola from Klanggestalter GmbH.

For “Radio Savamala” we’ll create broadcast formats and programs, as, for example, in collaboration with the Swiss architectural magazine Camenzind (www.camenzindbelgrade.com) and Robin the Fog (www.robinthefog.com), the BBC radio producer and sound artist from London.

The workshop is addressed to artists, musicians and composers, but is also open to interested persons of every stripe.

Please send a short letter of motivation and a bio to

all@gingerensemble.ch or use our contact form

no later than the 10th of March.